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Research Document 1997/06

Synopsis of the 1996 fishery for Iceland scallops in NAFO Div. 4R (Strait of Belle Isle)

By K.S. Naidu, F.M. Cahill, P.J. Veitch, and E.M. Seward


There were no research surveys for scallops in this area in 1996. In the absence of new research information, it was possible to examine fishery performance data only.

In spite of evidence of appreciable recruitment (1995) research vessel survey, catch rates have been maintained over the last few years, likely as a result of exploiting new aggregations of scallops. The fishery continues to operate over areas that are also nursery grounds for scallops, possibly impairing recruitment. It is recommended that the TAC in 1997 not exceed the 1996 level of 1200 t round.

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