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Research Document 2021/021

Information in support of a Recovery Potential Assessment of Black Redhorse (Moxostoma duquesnei) in Canada

By Bouvier, L.D., Burridge, M.E., Glass, W.R., and Caskenette, A.


Black Redhorse is at the northern edge of its range in Canada. It is considered imperiled in several Great Lakes states including Illinois, New York, and Wisconsin. Black Redhorse was assessed as Threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) in April 1988 and re-assessed and confirmed in May 2005. In 2015 this species was again assessed as Threatened, owing to the limited extent of occurrence and area of occupancy. Black Redhorse is found only in a few rivers in southwestern Ontario, and is threatened by habitat degradation due to the cumulative impacts of pollution from urban wastewater and agriculture and alterations to flow regimes. Black Redhorse is currently listed as Threatened under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The Recovery Potential Assessment (RPA) provides information and scientific advice needed to fulfill various requirements of SARA including permitting activities that would otherwise violate SARA prohibitions and the development of recovery strategies. This Research Document describes the current state of knowledge on the biology, ecology, distribution, population trends, habitat requirements, and threats of Black Redhorse. Mitigation measures and alternative activities related to the identified threats, that can be used to protect the species, are presented. Information contained in the RPA and this document may be used in the development of recovery strategies and action plans.

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