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Research Document - 2016/036

Estimating abundance and total allowable removals for walrus in the Hudson Bay-Davis Strait and south and east Hudson Bay stocks during September 2014

By M.O. Hammill, A. Mosnier, J-F Gosselin, J.W. Higdon, D.B. Stewart, T. Doniol-Valcroze, S.H Ferguson and J.B. Dunn


Aerial surveys to determine abundance of walrus from the Hudson Bay-Davis Strait, and south and East Hudson Bay stocks, were flown in September 2014. Surveys covered the areas of Hudson Strait, south Baffin Island, Southampton Island and as far south as Cape Henrietta Maria in Ontario. A total of 2,144 hauled out animals were counted in the Hudson Bay-Davis Strait stock, and 58 animals in the South and East Hudson Bay stock. Adjusting the counts for the proportion of animals hauled out at the time of the survey, using haulout data from several different studies, results in an abundance estimate of 7,100 (95% Confidence Limit, CL = 2,500–20,400) (rounded to the nearest 100) in the Hudson Bay-Davis Strait stock. Counts from 2007 along the southeast coast of Baffin Island estimated 2,500. Adding the two counts together is not recommended because the two areas were surveyed at different times and there is some movement between areas. Total abundance for the South and East Hudson Bay stock is 200 (95% CL = 70–570) (rounded to the nearest 10) animals. PBR estimates range from 90 to 180 animals for the northern Hudson Bay-Hudson Strait component of the Hudson Bay-Davis Strait stock and from 2–6 animals from the South and East Hudson Bay stock, depending on PBR model assumptions.

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